
尝试一下我们美味的咖啡替代品,加入一点牛奶或奶油,即可获得真正美味的饮品,或者选择黑咖啡,享受更像咖啡的体验。一盒(8 盎司)MannaBrew 可以冲泡 28 杯,浓度是普通咖啡的两倍!因此,冲泡咖啡时,只需使用通常用量的一半。

Strength of MannaBrew compared to regular coffee

Image 1

Fill portafilter basket halfway, tamp down lightly, and extract espresso as normal. (Not for use in automatic machines).

Image 2

Moka Pot
Fill basket halfway, place on medium-high heat, and allow to percolate.

Image 1

French Press
Use 1-3 heaped teaspoons per cup. (According to desired strength).

Image 2

Use 1-3 heaped teaspoons per cup. (According to desired strength).

Image 1

Fill portafilter basket halfway, tamp down lightly, and extract espresso as normal. (Not for use in automatic machines).

Image 2

Moka Pot
Fill basket halfway, place on medium-high heat, and allow to percolate.

Image 1

French Press
Use 1-3 heaped teaspoons per cup. (According to desired strength).

Image 2

Use 1-3 heaped teaspoons per cup. (According to desired strength).

MannaBrew Golden Standard